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“Win-Win” Relational Mediation

Victim-Offender Conferencing

Victim offender conferencing is a process designed to hold offenders directly accountable to the person that they have harmed. The conferencing process brings victims and offenders together in a safe and structured environment, giving victims a chance to express how the incident affected them, get answers to their questions about what happened, and allowing them to be involved in the restitution or accountability process.

Restorative Justice

We offer a number of restorative justice programs, which bring together offenders, victims, and others who were harmed by the offender’s actions, to deal with the consequences of a harmful event and come to an agreement on how best to repair the harm.

Personal Coaching – Nonviolent Communication

Learn Nonviolent Communication with our experienced trainers. The skills and language of NVC are designed to facilitate connection with ourselves and others and to bring us to a state where compassionate giving flows naturally. By practicing empathy and tapping into feelings and universal needs, this practice will help you feel confident in your ability to communicate and connect with those around you and can help you to navigate conflicts and difficult conversations with authenticity and care.